This article is not a DIY answer to pay per click advertising management or some kind of strange pay per click management metaphor disguised in the form of a tasty chocolate cake recipe for idiots. Having said that, there’s not a person out there who does not truly find some kind of solace or contentment in the organized beauty of a bullet point list deep down. Therefore, for want of a better way of displaying this indispensable information, the five prong structure of this article outlines five ways in which a pay per click account manager might work towards becoming one of the best Google Advertising Professionals on the planet.

Step Number 1: Show an interest in educating your client in PPC Advertising

It is true that a PPC Client hires a PPC Account Manager in order to release himself / herself of the burden of running their campaign independently, but does that mean that a Google Advertising Professional should shut that client out of the advertising process completely? Well, not if wanting to build a strong working relationship with their client, no.

All PPC Account Managers are concerned with quality score, keyword research, advertisement text, conversion increase, cost-per-click decrease……the list is endless. With such a huge amount of knowledge to convey, many PPC Account Managers find it easier to ignore their clients and to run their campaigns without sharing any insights into the workings of it all on any level.

Bad move!

Running a PPC campaign by improving conversion rates and ROIs is one thing. Making a PPC Client feel included in the advertisement of their product or service is another thing entirely. It is this level of customer care which sets one Google Advertising Professional apart from another. The Google AdWords Certified Exam can perhaps force PPC Managers to study the workings of a Google AdWords Account forwards, backwards, sideways, upside down and inside out, but it cannot teach the expert anything about client care.

Imagine if someone were to paint your house for you, but they didn’t ask you what colors you wanted to use and they didn’t let you into the house before they had finished everything; they didn’t allow you to be a part of the process. How would that make you feel? Would you be a little nervous? Would you feel a little less likely to trust what was going on? The answer is probably yes, unless you’re a person who really has no interest in the place where you sleep every night. Therefore, imagine what a PPC Client feels like when left on the sidelines of their own campaign. A Google Advertising Professional does not leave their star player on the bench. A good Google Advertising Professional includes their PPC Client in everything that they do. In this way, a strong bond is formed between the two and ties of loyalty are woven. Think about the importance of loyalty here and it will become clear that Step Number 1 is a step in the right direction.

Step Number 2: Ask About the Client’s Offline Advertising Efforts

Even though you’re running a PPC Advertising Campaign for your client, it does not mean that you cannot ask about what they are doing offline to aid in the development of their campaign. An effective Google Advertising Professional understands that nothing in advertising is independent of everything else. The networking web that you build online can and should be making use of those older forms of advertising forums in any way possible as well. Do some research. What is your client up to outside of Google AdWords?

Step Number 3: Be Available Outside of the Monday to Friday 9 – 5 Slot

Sorry! But it’s true! A really effective Google Advertising Professional is not someone who switches their computer off at 5pm on the dot. A really effective Google Advertising Professional is not someone who ignores their telephone on the weekend simply because it is the weekend. If you are looking for a 9 – 5 job, forget about being a successful Google Advertising Professional with a reputation that knocks the socks off of other professionals in the field. Days, hours, minutes and seconds all count online. It is one of the quickest forms of communication that we have in operation today and therefore there is never any down time.

Naturally, there are Google Advertising Professionals who do not work on the weekends and who do refuse to answer their telephones after a certain hour, but are these professionals the professionals who achieve the most impressive ROIs? Are these the professionals who increase conversions within a day and at the touch of a mouse button? No! PPC success comes at a price and unless you are willing to make this sacrifice, you will find that there is always someone one step ahead of you.

PPC Clients need support. They look for Google Advertising Professionals who are going to go that extra mile, so answer that telephone and leave the PC on standby mode with the Skype window fully open.

Step Number 4: Be Creative and Think Outside of the Box

It is one thing to have someone explain to you how to write solid advertisement text, how to monitor keyword activity, how to optimize a landing page or how to utilize the Google Remarketing Tool. Anyone can be shown how to do these things and with a little time, practice and patience, most people can become very adept at all four pay per click management activities without too much trouble. However, it is another thing entirely to be the person who dreams up the notion of the Google Remarketing Tool in the first place. It is another thing entirely to be the person who stops following the tried and tested format for using negative keywords in a campaign because they have thought up their own weird and wonderful idea for using negatives keywords that will make a particular PPC campaign more successful.

These Google Advertising Professionals are thinking outside of the box. They are the professionals who are responsible for bringing new ideas and tricks to the table for other less adventurous PPC Account Managers to utilize. They are leaders, they are movers and they are shakers. They are the Google Advertising Professionals of the future; the professionals who are going to lead the way and take PPC to its next level in the months and years to come.

So, make a pot of coffee, bring up a blank Word document and start brainstorming new ideas for your PPC Clients. Be the Google Advertising Professional that thinks from a new perspective. Be that professional who comes up with a new optimization technique that everyone starts blogging about. This is the kind of Google Advertising Professional that PPC Advertisers want to employ.

Step Number 5: Avoid Thinking You Are The Smartest Person in the Room

Google Advertising Professionals that are worth their weight in gold are humble beings. They watch, they listen, they take heed and they learn. In this way they change and develop, which is a very important quality to have in the world of PPC Management because it is a world which is forever changing and forever bringing about new ideas. It is important to be able to adapt and to be aware of changes that are happening around you.

A Google Advertising Professional who is self obsessed and convinced that he or she has already learned all there is to learn is eventually going to find themselves out of date and without a single campaign to manage. Don’t be that person. Watch and learn. Listen and adapt. Be humble, be open to new ideas and advice and, most of all, avoid complacency. You can never know enough when it comes to PPC Management. There’s always more to understand.

Google Advertising Professional Concluded

In conclusion, the five not-so-easy steps to excellence in PPC Management may seem fairly basic on the surface, but there are many PPC Management Companies and PPC Managers working in the business who do not follow these guidelines and who manage pay per click advertising campaigns that are suffering as a result. Competition in PPC Management is high and therefore the need to excel in this line of work is imperative. Google Advertising Professionals abound, but successful ones are harder to come by.

If you are working in PPC Management at present, enjoy implementing the ideas into your daily routine for a while to see if they have a positive effect on your work as a whole. If you are a PPC Advertising Client, why not use the above guidelines as a way of monitoring the quality of the PPC management, advice and support that you receive from your current PPC Manager or Management Company. How good are they?

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