Last year when Google decided to scale back its grants program to NGOs, Webrageous knew that it was time for its Google AdWords pay per click experts to get involved and provide further help and support for these organizations. Google’s shift in direction meant that NGOs would still continue to receive the monthly $10,000 grant, but would need to take on full responsibility for the Google AdWords Management of their campaigns.

This presented a particular problem for the NGOs already on the Google Grants program, because very few of those NGOs knew very little about how to successfully manage their Google AdWords Grant and their Google AdWords Campaigns. Even fewer had the time and extra man-power to devote to the management of their online advertising.

As a direct response to this particular issue, the experts in pay per click management at Webrageous began to offer their specialist services. As a result, we are now very happy to lay claim to a wide range of successes in the management of NGO Google AdWords Campaigns, the management of the Google AdWords Grants that accompany those campaigns and the successful application that all NGOs hoping to profit from the program must go through.

In short, Webrageous is an expert in:

1. The PPC Management needs of NGOs
2. The distribution of the Google AdWords Grant Budget for NGO advertising (a monthly total of $10,000)
3. The successful application of NGOs on to the Google AdWords Grant Program
4. The further successful application of NGOs on to the $40,000 monthly Google AdWords Grant Program

Webrageous’ Method of Success

One of the reasons why Webrageous is so successful in the management of NGO advertising campaigns, and of those on the Google AdWords Grant Program in particular, is that it is an online advertising company which focuses on giving something back to the community and always has done.

Other than its NGO clients, Webrageous mainly helps out smaller businesses compete against larger corporations via pay per click advertising. It works on developing a strong online presence for these relatively smaller clients so that they too have the chance to get noticed by potential customers online, even when competition is rife, on a regular basis.

When working with NGOs on their online advertising campaigns, Webrageous simply takes its existing goals of making advertising accessible to all and raises the bar to the next level.

“Indeed, it seemed only natural,” commented David Chapman, Director of Marketing at Webrageous, “that our PPC Management Company would progress on to supporting those NGOs that suddenly found themselves in the need for online advertising management which wasn’t going to be beyond the realms of their budget.”

Google and Webrageous: A Shared Advertising Philosophy

The Google AdWords Grant Program exists because Google believes that online advertising should be available and accessible to all.

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The Google AdWords Advertising Network is also, in general, designed to be as simple as possible so that all interested and potential advertisers can utilize it independently.

There are reams and reams of ideas, tips and tools that have been developed by Google to help the independent advertiser run his or her own PPC advertising campaign without the need to outsource at any time. However, many PPC advertisers choose to outsource to companies like Webrageous because they don’t have the time to manage their campaigns and they know that having an expert in charge of their online advertising is going to make sense in the long term.

The needs of the average NGO are no different. In the case of most NGOs, they simply do not have enough time or hands to be able to manage their online advertising campaigns effectively and this is why the work that the pay per click experts at Webrageous do is so important. This company offers to do what the NGO directors don’t have time to do for themselves. Webrageous offers knowledge, experience and a team of experts from a background of formal education in Marketing at Masters level.

Just like Google, Webrageous believes in making PPC Advertising available to all and this is why it offers the best in NGO Google AdWords Management at a very reasonable cost. It has made the effort to become a specialist in the area of NGO Google AdWords Management to ensure that all NGO Google AdWords Grant Applications that the company takes control of and submits are received and then successfully accepted.

Having said that, Webrageous also wants to make it very clear that not all NGOs have to make a formal application on to the Google AdWords Grant Program in order to receive help and PPC Management Services from its team of experts.

“The online advertising management that we provide is not only available to those non-profits who have already been accepted on to the Google Grants Program,” said Mr. Chapman. “The pay per click management experts at Webrageous offer independent programs that also work to achieve conversions – anything from donations to newsletter sign ups – regardless as to whether your NGO receives the Google Grant or not.

Webrageous is an expert PPC Management Company in NGO Google AdWords Advertising and it is a company, as already highlighted above, that is extremely concerned with the development of online advertising for all.

In conclusion

Therefore, if you wish to make a success of your Google AdWords Grant or if you need help with the application of a Google AdWords Grant at any time, the pay per click experts at Webrageous should be your first port of call.

Call Our Pay Per Click Experts 855-945-1596


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