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The following post highlights five top strategies for getting mobile user to make more conversions. If you have any questions about or pay per click advertising via Google AdWords in general, contact the pay per click management team at Webrageous directly today.
For now, take what you can from the following advice and start learning how to make your mobile advertising campaign work for you without delay.
1. The mobile advertising network is growing… you cannot deny it!
This year in the US the number of online sales grew to a record 14.3%. There are a number of advertisers out there who still refuse to even consider mobile advertising campaigns because they don’t see it as a market that is worth the while.
This is the first mistake.
Take mobile advertising seriously and start placing emphasis on your mobile advertising campaign. If you do this, you will instantly see an increase in your mobile user conversions. It is all about developing the right kind of mind set.
2. Mobile users are both young and wealthy… don’t forget it!
This year, comScore directed a study in the US on mobile customers and the study revealed that the majority of people who convert via the mobile network are much younger than the average age of the mobile user in general.
37% of the population in the US who use mobile phones are under the age of 34, which means that 63% are 34 and older.
However, 61% of the mobile user community in the US who regularly convert via the mobile advertising network are under 34. This means that the consumers you should be targeting on a regularly basis are under 34.
The study also showed that 48% of those mobile converters earn more than $75,000 per year, which means that you are advertising to a group of people in a very high wage bracket.
3. Do your research… learn where mobile conversion is hot, hot, hot!
Similar reports undertaken by comScore have showed that Houston is the most mobile shopping-savvy city in the country.
This kind of information is invaluable if you are looking to improve your mobile user conversion rate next year and really take full advantage of everything that this advertising medium has to offer. After Houston, red hot mobile user conversion cities include New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles and Dallas-Fort Worth.
If your business operates in these areas and you are not taking full advantage of what the mobile advertising network has to offer you, the fire stoking up your business is likely to go out very soon as it is put out by the power of the competitors reaping the benefits of mobile advertising around you.
4. Mobile user conversion is all about… influencing pre-purchase decision!
What do mobile users actually use their mobile phones to do?
They use them to help them make decisions before buying. They use them to do research when commuting and running around in their busy, fun-packed days. They look at where to shop and what products to buy.
Therefore, you need to make sure that you have a handle on the pre-purchase decision making. Your business needs to feature highly in this part of the conversion process to make sure that you reap all the potential benefits from the mobile customer at all times.
- Roughly 15% of mobile shoppers look for store locations. Therefore you MUST make sure that your business address, contact information and business type categorization are all highly accurate.
- Check that the information about your company on other website, such as the Internet Yellow Pages listing, is correct too.
- About 9.8% of mobile shoppers compare product prices and 9.5% search for coupons and deals. Show your prices clearly and make price comparison on your mobile site easy, particularly when price comparison goes in your favor.
5. When they visit your store… make sure they convert online!
When potential customers visit your store, they use their phones to get advice from friends and family about making the purchase.
They send pictures to friends and family of your products, of price, of discount information, anything that they can get their hands on and then, depending on the feedback they get, they either make a purchase or not.
Therefore, in store, you need to concentrate of showing important information that your potential mobile user customer can use to communicate with others before making their purchase. This will help to increase sales significantly.
A few ideas for what you can do in-store to support this kind of mobile user activity include providing persuasive top-line summaries of products on shelves that shoppers can easily read over the phone. You could also try displaying QR codes for mobile shoppers to scan to let them send high-resolution images to their friends.
For more information on mobile user advertising and mobile user conversion, contact the pay per click advertising experts at Webrageous today.

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