How can you increase your CTR in Google AdWords quickly and easily? What are the best ways of taking your Google AdWords CTR through the roof? What are the advantages of increasing CTR in Google AdWords?
CTR in Google AdWordsIncreasing CTR in Google AdWords does not necessarily mean that your conversion rate will increase too. This is an important matter to clear up from the start.

Tips in Increasing CTR in Google AdWords

Regardless of all this, what you might be more interested in at this present time for your Google AdWords Campaign is an increase in traffic. So, without bringing any other aspects of your Google AdWords Campaign into consideration, the following tips in increasing CTR in Google AdWords could be the answers you have been looking for.

1. Get an extension!

The world is full of busy people doing lots of busy things on the Internet all day long. Do they have time to search through your site? No! Therefore, give them as much information as possible and help them find what they want in under a second.
If you add extensions to your Google AdWords Advertisements, you’ll increase your CTR in Google AdWords without any shade of a doubt. If you own a hair product store, use extensions to direct people to the relevant sections of your site. For example:

  • Hair extensions
  • Hair Color
  • Hair Repair Treatments
  • Hair Accessories

The list is endless. Section up your site and watch the traffic come flooding into the page that interests them the most. Make things super easy for your Internet audience and unleash the key to increased CTR in Google Adwords with immediate effect.
Extra Tip: If you use Sitelinks, which is essentially an extension function on your Google AdWords Advertisements, you can list more than one extension at once in your advertisement and this will generate increased traffic to your site instantly and to an impressive degree.

2. Punctuation, Punctuation, Punctuation!

Remember when your school teacher kept telling you to punctuate your work?
“Where are your full stops? What are your exclamation marks?”
Well, never has it been more important to do so than when looking to get your Google AdWords Advertisements standing out to the crowd in order to increase your CTR. When you add any kind of punctuation mark to your advertisement headline, the first description line of your advertisement will be automatically added to the headline too, which will really help your advertisement to scream out from the rooftops!
Get back to the classroom and get punctuating for serious improvement on your CTR in Google AdWords with very little effort on your part.

3. Display URL should be META META META all the way!

Does the Display URL in a Google AdWords Advertisement need to look like a URL?
Therefore, use this fact to your advantage when it comes to focusing on increasing your CTR in Google AdWords. Make your Display URL the best example of a call-to-action meta description that you can. What does this mean?
This means that if you own a computer repair business and you are looking to get people to click on your AdWords Advertisement instead of all the other computer repair advertisements listed on the Google SERP, you could create a Display URL like one of the following ideas:

  • Get Trusted Computer Repairs within 24 Hours
  • Book a MAC Specialist to Repair your MAC Today
  • Find the Cheapest Computer Repairs in Brooklyn

These Display URLs work much more effectively to increase CTR in Google AdWords than a regular URL because they speak directly to your potential customer and they remind your potential customer of what they will be offered should they choose to click on the advertisement.

4. Get seasonal!

Find out what holidays and events of special date are going on in the area that you are advertising in and incorporate these special calendar moments into your Google AdWords Advertisement Headlines.
If you are creative enough, you can draw links between what your business offers and the seasonal event that is playing out in your choice of location at any time. For instance, consider the following ideas:
A music store might run the following advertisement at Christmas time:

  • Find Christmas Discounts for Music Lovers

However, in the lead up to Valentine’s Day, the same music store might want to change their advertisements to:

  • Buy your Girlfriend the Best Love Song Compilations

Appealing to holidays and special calendar events in your advertisement headlines help to keep your advertising timely and up-to-date, which will encourage more people to click on your advertisements and increase your CTR in Google AdWords as a result.

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5. Don’t talk about price!

It might seem like a good idea to talk about price in your advertisement, particularly if you are offering a really good price for the product or service that you are selling.
However, even if the price you are offering is as low as $0.01, putting the price of your product or service in your Google AdWords Advertisement is a real CTR turn off. It reminds your potential customer that they are going to have to spend money (even if the money is as minimal as possible). Nobody likes to be reminded about the fact that they are going to spend money.
So take the price out of your advertisement and watch your CTR increase within no time.

6. Free, Free and… oh yeah… Free again!

If you have a free gift, a free service, or something that all your customers receive without having to pay anything, ever, at any time, you should advertise it. Google Advertisements that offer something for free are the best kind of advertisements to have running in your PPC Campaign to increase the amount of traffic arriving to your site.
Free stuff = increased CTR in Google AdWords
Part of your overall Google AdWords Marketing Campaign should always focus on highlighting the free stuff. Sometimes, these sections of your campaign alone can be enough to create the kind of CTR you are looking for.

The Next Big Answer to Increased CTR in Google AdWords is Just Waiting to be Discovered

The most important thing to understand about CTR, indeed about online advertising in general, is that there is so much more to come.
How do we know that the tips from 1 to 6 help to increase CTR in Google AdWords? Interested advertisers have tried and tested and done their research, that’s how. This means that the potential for finding new ways of increasing CTR is something that is always lurking around in the background.
Maybe you will discover the next big thing in CTR increase. Who knows? The point is to continue to test, experiment, analyze and see what happens when you try out your own creative ideas and theories. This is the best way of learning what increases CTR within your Google AdWords advertising campaigns.
Final tip? Keep on testing!