Is Removing Desktop Sidebar Ads a Good Decision by Google?

Earlier this year, Google rolled out a significant change to how search ads are displayed for desktop browsers. The removal of sidebar ads from desktop search results has many advertisers wondering if their AdWords campaigns will be negatively affected moving forward....

How the AdWords Redesign Impacts Your PPC Campaigns

If you’ve been following news about AdWords, you might have heard that Google recently rolled out a whole new look for their AdWords dashboard. But the latest Adwords redesign can mean more than just a slick new interface for you to enjoy. The updated platform might...

6 Tips for Improving Call Rates for Google AdWords

Getting potential customers to reach out to your company with a phone call can be a critical step in the sales process. If you’re running call-only ad campaigns or want to boost the number of call conversions you get from your existing PPC campaigns, improving...

5 Metrics You Should Always Monitor in Google AdWords

If you’re already running AdWords campaigns, you know that Google makes a huge amount of data accessible to you surrounding the performance of your campaigns. While it can feel overwhelming to wade through a dashboard full of numbers and metrics without purpose,...

Nine Reasons Why We Love AdWords (And You Should, Too!)

If you’re considering PPC advertising for your business, it is more than likely that AdWords will be one of the strongest tools in your arsenal. With over 3 billion queries per day, Google offers a huge potential for serving PPC ads across a wide variety of...