There are three things that you should try in order to really target internet users effectively because the search behaviour of internet users is changing and developing all the time. At present therefore it would be a good idea to focus on the following three areas:

1. Know how your customers normally find you.
2. Identify what an internet searcher, who might be interested in your site, service or product, needs.
3. Optimize the entire conversion process, rather than focusing all efforts on the end of the conversion process.

Even if your main aim in terms of online marketing is to focus on creating the ultimate PPC Campaign, understanding regular search behaviour and your target audience on the Internet is essential.

Through a better understanding of the way in which internet searchers are now conducting searches and the way in which they are now searching for the information that they need, comes a better understanding of how to create a more successful PPC Campaign too.

Therefore, all PPC Managers and PPC Advertisers should take heed of the following:

1. Know how your customers normally find you.
Unfortunately, there’s no way (yet) to track consumer activity across a variety of different devices. Therefore, make use of options such as purchase path mapping and linguistic profiling.

Once you know how consumers normally find you, you can begin to target these areas with more vigor. Naturally, your PPC Campaign is going to be doing a huge amount for you and your business already, but free forms of online advertising, including social networking sites, for example, might be effective forums for your business.

Websites and PPC Advertising are just the beginning. Track where interest in your online business comes from and then begin supplementing the effects of your PPC Campaign through these forums too.

2. Identify what an internet searcher, who might be interested in your site, service or product, needs.

What does an internet user who is interested in your site need? For example, there are many ways in which to attract the attention and interest of an internet user above and beyond the standard PPC advertisement that leads the internet user to your website conversion page.

Providing useful information to potential internet users can do wonders for your business and wonders for your PPC Campaign too.

For example, imagine that you are selling extreme sports tours in Venezuela. Why not place some well chosen videos of previous clients in action on Youtube? There could be videos of paragliding, canyoning, mountain hiking and white-water rafting.

If someone interested in these kinds of sports happens to stumble upon one of your videos and they like what they see, they might just visit your site and buy a tour there and then.

This internet user would not have arrived to your site via the PPC Advertising route, but they would still want to convert. Therefore, give your potential audience what they need rather than simply bombarding them with advertisement after advertisement.

3. Optimize the entire conversion process, rather than focusing all efforts on the end of the conversion process.

Avoid simply concentrating on PPC landing pages, optimizing to the maximum the end of the PPC Campaign funnel. Online marketing is far more complex than this and if you work with that complexity instead of ignoring it, you are bound to achieve more success.

Look at your homepage and optimize that in the same would you would a PPC landing page. Spend time on social networking and placing information about yourself and your business across the Internet in all those places that you know to be successful (through trial and error) for your business.

Cater for those internet users who are going to arrive to your site by other mediums and you will find that free online marketing helps to boost your paid search efforts too.