PPC Advertising Ideas that Divorce Attorney Marketing Campaigns Should Ignore

As with almost everything in life, there are a number of ideas that relate to the success of PPC advertising campaigns that, in general, everyone should take note of if they want things to improve.

However, following the herd like a little lost sheep is not always necessarily the way in which to manage things. Sometimes, the main rules which apply to the majority are going to be the downfall and ruin of your PPC campaign, particularly if you happen to be a divorce attorney.

The reason why Webrageous works with so many divorce attorneys on their respective PPC advertising campaigns is because our PPC managers understand the ins and outs of divorce attorney marketing to the very core. We specialize in this form of marketing and we know how best to approach the needs of the divorce attorney online.

From our extensive experience, we are able to confirm that there are a number of general PPC advertising rules that really don’t apply to divorce attorneys. These rules might be useful for people who have products to sell, for example, but not for attorneys.

This article highlights a few of these examples, but if you want to really find PPC advertising success as a divorce attorney, you should contact one of the divorce attorney specialist PPC managers at Webrageous directly as soon as possible.

1. A quick contact form is the best option to encourage an increase in PPC conversions
If someone is signing up to receive a newsletter or to join a group or even to enquire about the time of an event or a class of some kind, the quicker the process of filling in the contact form the better.

In general, the rule for contact forms in PPC advertising is that these forms remain short and snappy to encourage your potential clients to follow the conversion process through to the very end. However, this is not necessarily the case for divorce attorney PPC advertising campaigns.

Remember that when someone is looking for legal representation, they are looking for skills, quality, experience, customer care and they are bound to have lots of different questions and to appear in your office from a completely different background to any other client that you have had before.

Each divorce attorney client is unique and therefore your contact form should allow for this uniqueness. If there is no “open” space for your potential client to write a message to you explaining what they are looking for, they might go elsewhere for a service that is more personal and less “factory-like”.

Remember that the divorce law client is not just another customer buying the same product. They need special care and attention and they will be more than happy to sit down and fill out lots of information in their own way about their personal situation on a form on your site.

Give your potential client the opportunity to communicate what they need to communicate. Otherwise you run the risk of actually losing their custom.

2. All conversion instructions must be placed into the space above the fold at all times to encourage an increase in PPC conversions
Speed is often spoken about as being the essential ingredient for PPC conversion success. If your potential client lands on your website and they find what they were hoping to find instantly and within one or two clicks they have completed what they wanted to complete, your PPC advertising campaign will soar.

At least, this is the case for most PPC advertising campaigns. This is why it is normally recommended that the PPC advertiser place all the conversion information and tasks above the fold on the computer screen so that the customer doesn’t have to scroll down or exert themselves in any way.

However, the divorce law client is a different kind of online client. Before converting, before contacting your law firm, they are going to do some research on you. They will want to do their research thoroughly and therefore the more you can do to help them, instead of just trying to get them to call you, the better.

Indeed, the more information you share, the more likely they are to read about you and contact you (convert) than if the information about your law firm is pitifully small in quantity. For this reason, it is actually a good idea to fill your landing pages with reasons to convert (such as testimonials, videos of clients recommending you, information about your past cases, etc.) above the fold and then place the contact form at the bottom of this information.

If the client likes what they have read, they will scroll down and read further and eventually be convinced that it is worth contacting you. They will fill in the form after reading about your divorce law firm. They won’t fill in the form if there is nothing on you and no reason to call your law firm as opposed to any other.

In principle, conversion tasks go above the fold, but divorce attorney PPC advertising is different to the norm and Webrageous is the PPC Management Company that knows this more than most.

3. Avoid linking to the homepage to encourage an increase in conversions
In a similar way, many PPC advertising campaigns avoid linking to the home page, but the divorce lawyers advertising client should make real use of the home page because they are selling a brand, not a product.

The home page of a divorce lawyer site can instill trust and authority in the eyes of those people who land on it. It is THE page on your website which has the power to be able to emphasize the trust and authority that your law firm represents. It is the face of your law firm and should be considered as an excellent page to link to when other kinds of PPC advertisers choose to deliberately avoid linking to the same.

4. Phrase match keywords convert better than broad match keywords
If you happen to be a divorce attorney practicing in Reno, the broad match keyword “Divorce Attorney Reno” is definitely a keyword that you want to invest in.

If someone is looking for a divorce attorney in Reno, this is exactly the kind of keyword that they will be using to find your company and your services amongst the crowd. It is essential that you invest in these kinds of keywords, even though, within other industries, the phrase match keywords are normally a lot less expensive and a lot better at achieving conversion than the broad match keywords are.

What is the difference?

If someone is looking to get a flight online, they might use phrases like “discount” or “cheap” or “best deal,” etc. It is likely that this potential client has also bought a plane ticket online before and therefore might start typing in phrases that have helped them to find the best deals before. For example, “Expedia stand-by deals on return flights to Cali.”

They are well versed in their search and know that that broad match keywords are simply not going to give them the little gems that they are hoping to find online. They are scouring for the best deal and therefore, the keywords that they use might start to extend into long tail and phrase match keywords by default.

However, the divorce law client is looking for quality service. It is an important moment in their life that they are researching into and in most cases it will be the first time that they find themselves going through the process. Therefore, broad match keywords are necessary.

They will begin with broad match, find a few law firms that interest them (hopefully your divorce law firm will be in the mix) and then start narrowing down their search each time they go online by using keywords, brand names, etc.

If you haven’t invested in the broad match keywords in order to have a chance at being in the first range of research attempts by this potential client, you can say bye-bye to your online conversion success.

These examples are just the tip of the divorce attorney PPC iceberg. If you really want to know how to take your divorce attorney PPC campaign to the very top, contact Webrageous today. We specialize in PPC advertising for divorce attorneys for your convenience.

Call Our Pay Per Click Experts 855-945-1596


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