This year, Google AdWords continues to change the game in the world of paid search marketing through its competitive keyword tools, Enhanced Mobile Ad Campaign and Remarketing, thus making it the best PPC advertising network in the US.
Competitive Keyword Tools
Google AdWords’ research tools pull up keywords with a higher rate of clickability or marketability for campaigns compared to any other PPC tools, as highlighted in the infographic presented by Dr. Pete.
Dr. Pete and his team collected data from 10,000 page one Google SERPs via both for typical business hours on a particular day and random hours on random days. They turned off the personalization and saw to it that crawlers were logged-out from Chrome browser. They retrieved 500 keywords in 20 different categories through AdWord’s keyword tools and generated the following results:
85.2% of the queries crawled got an advertisement penetration of 84.5%
The correlation between the presence of advertisements and query volumes was virtually non-existent.
The correlation between the presence of advertisements and Google competition metric was high.
Enhanced Mobile Ad Campaign Management
Google AdWords launched the latest innovation to its PPC Management platform bid last February 2013. Google’s Enhanced Mobile Campaign allows marketing strategists to run a single campaign for desktop and mobile devices without the complexity of creating a campaign separately. Marketers will be able to manage different locations and different time zones just by managing a single AdWords campaign. In this way all channels are targeted and all potential clients are reached right at the very moment that they are ready to make a purchase.
Google’s Enhanced Mobile Ad Campaign will definitely set a trend and thus make Google AdWords all the more deserving to be dubbed as the best PPC advertising network. With it, marketers and strategists are provided with the following benefits:

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A single campaign advertisement is shown to more people using different devices right at the same time across various locations.
Although the Enhanced Campaign is centered on mobile ad campaigning, it still offers an option not to show advertisements on mobile devices just by lowering the bid to 100$.
The person managing the campaign is given the choice as to what advertisement extensions he or she wants to put in his or her text advertisement specifically for those accessing the advertisement through a desktop and mobile.
Google AdWords has taken advantage of the popularity of Remarketing through adopting it and integrating it with Google Analytics. Google is known for its intelligent and innovative decisions. It is expected that Google will eventually tweak the concept of Remarketing by making it work with its Dynamic Display Advertisements.
Dynamic Display Advertisements is a Google AdWords tool which prompts the right advertisement to show animatedly at a perfect timing targeted to a particular user searching in a particular website. This tool keeps advertisements relevant and new at all times for it provides reports on which content performs best and which content needs optimization.
Remarketing on the other hand is a strategy by which advertisements are re-targeted to those searchers who had previously visited a particular webpage on the Google Display Network.
Google AdWords’ Remarketing and Dynamic Display Advertisements when set to work hand in hand have the potential to create repeat customers hence doubling the profit for the company.
For those people interested in outsourcing their Google AdWords advertising needs to a PPC management company, they can contact Webrageous. Webrageous is the best paid search management company for all your PPC advertising needs. Our founder and all of our employees are dedicated to helping you succeed!