If you search the Internet you’ll find lots of information on Pay Per Click Tools, Pay Per Click Management Ideas and Pay Per Click Tips, just to name a few, but what happens if you just want the bare basics?
What happens if you simply want to know what Pay Per Click actually is? What happens if you’re just searching for a simple definition of the term Pay Per Click? Where do you go?
You don’t have to go anywhere. You’re in the right place already. Pay Per Click, quite simply, is a form of Paid Online Advertising that is offered by a number of different networks and major search engines to anyone with the cash to market themselves.
For instance, there are online marketers who advertise via Google AdWords Pay Per Click, MSN AdCenter Pay Per Click, LinkedIn Pay Per Click and Facebook Pay Per Click Advertising, to name some of the most popular examples.
If you are advertising through Google AdWords, you’ll be charged by Google every time someone clicks on one of your Pay Per Click advertisements shown on the Google Search Listings Page (SERP). There is also the option to be charged every time Google displays your advertisement too if you’re marketing through Pay Per Click. However, most people choose the Cost Per Click option with Google AdWords.
If you’re looking for more basic information about Pay Per Click, some of the following questions might have been buzzing around inside your head for a while…

  1. What is the difference between Pay Per Click via Google AdWords and Organic Search Listings?
  2. Why do people pay for Pay Per Click, via networks such as Google AdWords, if they can get listed on the Google Search for free?
  3. What role does Search Engine Optimization (SEO) play in Pay Per Click?

The basic and essential questions above on Pay Per Click and more that you wish someone would discuss in layman’s terms more often are answered as simply as possible in the article The Bread and Butter Basics of Pay Per Click, found on the Webrageous Studios website.
If you read through Webrageous’ article, all the answers to the simple questions that you seek should come to light. Long gone will be the days of feeling lost and alone amidst a world of technological Pay Per Click terminology and ideas. However, if you still have niggling doubts about something, however simple or basic the issue might seem, you can always contact Webrageous Studios and ask our expert managers to give you the help that you need about Pay Per Click.

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