If you’re a personal injury attorney, you might have heard different things about paid ads. Some law firms swear by them, others claim they don’t give a satisfactory return on investment. What makes the difference? We asked a few law professionals to share their insights.
Michael E. Duffy

Michael E. Duffy

Michael E. Duffy is the managing partner of the premier New York medical malpractice law firm Duffy & Duffy, PLLC, in Uniondale, New York. He concentrates his practice in wrongful death claims involving medical malpractice and personal injury in New York State.

Function of diligence

The reality is that paid advertising is a function of diligence. There are many opportunities out there for paid advertising that do not have much, if any, benefit. The best approach is through Google AdWords and other similar advertising campaigns; we have done Google AdWords, just like everyone else.

Our firm has also been very successful with Facebook advertising. That includes sponsoring advertisements, boosting our own posts, and direct business-to-consumer advertising. This has resulted in our firm garnering more clients.

In addition, we have started to showcase our many five-star reviews on social media. We also advertise on LinkedIn to target attorneys for referrals.

Depending on the attorney’s practice and geographic areas, the firm needs to be willing to make a substantial financial investment to be competitive. The firm also needs to vet the claims of the many, many enterprises out there that offer seemingly fantastic opportunities that never actually materialize. It is important to question the vendor as to their plan and practices and to hear from previous customers who are satisfied. We also routinely seek out information about such vendors on listservs and working groups.

Finally, it is vitally important for the attorney to ensure that the advertising efforts and plan of the vendor meet the ethical rules of the jurisdiction. There are very specific rules for promoting a legal business, and the attorney bears the responsibility of making sure that those rules are satisfied.


The secret with any type of paid advertisement is responsiveness. You must have a system in place whereby when you capture a lead’s information, you are able to immediately respond. Additionally, knowing what people searched online to find you is important. You’re phone answering service or secretary must ask, “What keywords did you search to find us?” This way you know under what searches you are appearing. At their core, your paid ads are only as good as the systems you have in place to respond quickly to potential new clients.

Ross W. Albers

Ross W. Albers

Ross W. Albers graduated from the prestigious University of Baltimore School of Law with a concentration in criminal practice. Web: rossalbers.com
Andrew Taylor

Andrew Taylor

Andrew Taylor, Director of netlawman.co.uk.

Reaching out

By reaching out and making people aware of the potential of their personal situation, you are able to attract warm leads that you are able to work with from there.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors are not necessarily affiliated with this website and their statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.

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