It’s the end of the day, you’ve spent a long day at work, you log on to the Internet, type in a search term for something you’ve been meaning to find out about and, as if by magic, a list of clickable listings appears. This list includes both free, organic listings which Google automatically generates by matching your search term with the keywords found on particular websites and it includes Google Paid Advertising listings.

Google Paid Advertising for Small Businesses
Suddenly, you become a little more interested than usual. Your senses are unusually heightened and you begin to wonder… who actually buys paid advertising through Google? As a small-time retailer with your own business you have never even considered advertising via Google. It has always seemed out of your league.

Independent business owners don’t have the capital or the reason to advertise using Google Paid Advertising, do they?

These are the thoughts that begin to consume you late at night as you start to look a little closer at these Google Paid Advertisements and scan through the variety of companies that are making full use of the online marketing sphere.
Before you know it, you have forgotten the real reason behind why you logged on initially and you begin to enter search terms for the kind of products that you sell in your small, high street store, just to see what listings appear as Paid Google Advertisements. To your surprise and dismay, you find that your competitors are all on the front page. The independent retailer who owns a business smaller and younger than yours and who is only a few blocks away from you on the high street has got a Google Paid Advertisement on the first page of Google.
You being to wonder why it is you’re not using Paid Advertising on Google to promote and market your business too. What has kept me away from advertising online for all this time? (you begin to think to yourself).
Don’t worry. You are not on your own! There are many small business owners out there who believe that Google Paid Advertising is not something that is available to them. They see Google Advertising as being something that is reserved more for the big chiefs; for the corporate companies and the major international businesses, but this is simply not true.
If you have found yourself in this exact same situation; if you are a small business owner and have sat down to do a Google search one evening and have suddenly wondered why you are not Advertising via Google like your local competitors, then find out why Paid Google Advertising is Perfect for Marketing Small Businesses by reading our full-length article on the subject.
Webrageous Studios will highlight the many advantages to be had from marketing via Google AdWords, particularly if you are a relatively small or young business. Contact us with any more questions you might have on the subject.

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