Google Remarketing is not just a way of better targeting your potential online audience. Google Remarketing is also an excellent way of allowing law firms to save money on their pay per click advertising campaigns whilst continuing to generate more leads and clients for their legal practices.

Webrageous is an expert in law firm pay per click management
and highly deft at managing the use of Google Remarketing to put its law firm clients’ budgets to better use on a daily basis. Through the use of Google Remarketing, Webrageous will be able to help your law firm save money on its pay per click advertising and generate more clients at the same time.

What could be better than this?

Webrageous manages the pay per click advertising campaigns of many different kinds of law firms. We work with family and divorce lawyers, personal injury lawyers, employment discrimination lawyers and lawyers who take on drug liability and medical device injury claims as well.

As a broad example of the kind of positive difference Google Remarketing can have a law firm’s pay per click advertising budget, we offer up the following example:

The cost per lead for any given advertisement, which is being used by any given law firm advertising via pay per click with the help of Webrageous, can be as high as $300 – $600. This is particularly true for law firms advertising legal support throughout the process of a drug liability claim or medical device injury claim.

However, if that same law firm then uses Google Remarketing under the guidance of the pay per click management experts at Webrageous to remarket that same advertisement, the cost per lead for that advertisement can instantly be reduced. Sometimes, the reduction achieved from Google Remarketing can be up to 80 – 90% less!

These are amazing figures and not to be taken lightly.

If the contents of this post on Google Remarketing for law firms has interested you, read the attached article entitled, Effective Google Remarketing to Improve Pay Per Click for US Law Firms as soon as possible.

The article explains in more depth how Webrageous uses Google Remarketing to make improvements to the pay per click campaigns owned by its law firm clients. The article reveals how savings on budget is not the only reason to take advantage of Google Remarketing.

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If you want to discuss the idea of Google Remarketing for law firms in more detail with regards to your own law firm and its online advertising needs, please contact the law firm pay per click management experts at Webrageous without delay for more information.

We will be very happy to go through the various options with you and give you a no obligation assessment of your pay per click advertising campaign as it stands at present.

Call Our Pay Per Click Experts 855-945-1596


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