If you’re an online advertiser, it is a fantastic idea to invest in a PPC mobile campaign. While it is not absolutely necessary, doing so can benefit your company greatly.


Marin software recently released a report stating that mobile devices will drive one third of paid clicks in the US by December 2013. Do you want to potentially increase business by 33.3 percent? Then you should invest in a pay per click mobile campaign.


One of the exciting elements of mobile advertising is that you can show a different set of advertisements and set different bids based on the mobile device you are targeting. Like all Google AdWords campaigns, you can also target by location and time.  People use their smartphones constantly, so targeting users on mobile devices is an obvious choice. As smartphones become both cheaper and more advanced, mobile PPC advertising is becoming more important for businesses.



Location is one of the best aspects of mobile advertising. If you search for “coffee shop” on your mobile device, it will show you the nearest places to find a steaming cup of caffeine. If your business is local and you want to promote in your neighborhood, mobile PPC campaigns are a great option. An estimated 30 to 35 percent of mobile users search with location in mind. That’s 30 to 35 percent more potential customers Google AdWords can help you reach if you create a PPC mobile campaign.


Stand out

Mobile pay per click campaigns offer a channel for you to expand your advertising simply and effectively. Additionally, if you’re one of the first to use mobile PPC advertising, you have a strong advantage over competition still stuck in the dark ages. There are fewer advertisers on mobile devices, helping your advertisement stand out. Recently, Google gathered search engine data and found that a mere 5 percent of search advertisers take full advantage of mobile advertising. That means 95 percent of advertisers are missing out on potential sales. Just by investing in a PPC mobile advertising campaign, you put your company way ahead of the game!


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That being said, it is a good idea to make sure your mobile PPC campaign is running as smoothly as possible, and utilizing every penny to benefit you in the greatest way. Turn to a PPC management company to get your campaign started, and to help you determine your exact needs. Webrageous only hires experienced, qualified Google AdWords experts.


Call 855-945-1596, or click here today to get see what a mobile advertising campaign can do for you.