Search Engine Land published a really interesting interview on its site this month with a Google Quality Score Rater, something that a lot of Webrageous readers would probably be interested in looking into further.
On the one hand, some of the interview is not all that useful for online advertisers who use Google in its various forms to market their businesses (via Google Organic Search or PPC Advertising and Google AdWords, for example) because the first part of the interview covered what it is like to work as a Google Quality Score Rater, how to approach the interview and selection process and what the conditions of work are like on the job.
However, the second half of the interview is useful to online advertisers and Webrageous readers in many ways, because it relates directly to the ways in which Google Quality Score Raters work and how they determine what kind of Quality Scores to give to different websites depending on the various factors involved.
This kind of information is gold dust in the world of online marketing and for this reason we have chosen to highlight the interview today in this post and glean out the best bits for the most important online advertising reading.
Feel free to read the entire interview by clicking on the link at the very top of this post, but for saving time purposes, here are the Google Quality Score Rater Interview Highlights and the sections of the Search Engine Land interview that we believe to be the most pertinent to online advertisers at present…
Table of Contents
1. Google Places High Demands on its Google Quality Score Raters
One of the best things to know is that Google clearly takes the Quality Score Rating process very seriously, which is a good thing to know because of the importance that it plays in online marketing and the effect it has on our online advertising campaigns every single day.
The demands placed on the Google Quality Score Raters is high and the takes they must complete within a set time frame are very strict. Any Rater who falls behind is not able to hold on to his or her position at Google for very long.
Rest assured that only the best of the best are working on rating the Quality Score of your site at Google. Big smiles and thumbs up all round for Google!
2. Tasks are Returned and Re-Assessed if there is a Disagreement
Google is on top of its own Quality Control because if there is a disagreement between raters on the rating of a site, those disagreements or “tasks” as they are referred to in the interview are returned to the Google Quality Score Raters for re-assessment and re-grading.
It is encouraging for all online advertisers to know that the rating of their site is not taken lightly by any means. That the rating of all our sites is achieved through careful analysis and collaboration which is tightly monitored by Google to ensure agreement across the board.

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Google judges our Quality Score in a fair manner. Good news!
3. Google Quality Score Raters Analyze Organic Results and PPC
This is really important. The Google Raters are employed to look at all advertising via Google: Paid and Organic, SEO based work and PPC. This means that this interview is particularly pertinent for all kinds of Google Advertisers and everyone should be making good use of the information and insight that it provides.
4. The Raters Cover News Sites, Videos, Google Places and More
Google Quality Score Raters are employed to look all over the place and control, monitor and rate the Quality Score of all kinds of content on the Internet associated with Google.
Everything counts. All advertising is included. The analysis is broad, vast and extensive. This means that anything you have on the Internet, anything you have ever posted should have Quality Value associated with it. Use your online content, all of it, to your advantage and make sure that what the Raters see is always the best in terms of value that you can offer.
5. Google Quality Score Raters are Human
Google, like most companies, uses machines and computers to gather information, process data and keep business running smoothly. This is an obvious given.
However… let’s be very clear that Quality Score Raters are human and they are checking the Internet for quality links, quality information and quality advertising manually. If your content is computer-generated, if your services are not in the interest of the internet user, if the quality of what you offer to the world via the WWW is just not up to standard, your ranking is not going to look good.
These workers are manual workers. They are real life, human beings. By default, a human being is more sensitive and less easy to fool. Make your content quality content. No excuses.
6. Spelling and Grammar Count
Taken right from the horse’s mouth, as it were, “Spelling and grammar are something we look at in all tasks,” says the real life Google Quality Score Rater in the Search Engine Land interview.
So… learn to write correctly!
7. Algorithms
The majority of the work that these Raters do affects and perfects the Quality Score Algorithm, rather than instantly affecting the actual specific ranking of any given page on the Google SERP.
Just an important fact to highlight from the interview to all online advertisers.
8. What are Google Quality Score Raters actually used for?
Our favorite quote from the interview, because it really does sum up the excellent job that Google does and why it is the top Search Engine in the world, is the following…
“The whole point behind quality raters is not to rate the actual web, but rather rate how well Google is doing at providing quality results. Almost every company has some form of quality control. Do people get upset that McDonald’s has someone check the quality of their food? I don’t see what Google does as any different than wanting to present the best possible product they can to their users.”
On that note, we come to the end of our post for today too. Google prides itself on quality and providing an excellent service with the best information available at the touch of a button for all its users.
Join Google in this mission, because it is a valid mission and one well worth pursuing from the point of view of your own business that you market via Google’s online channels. Quality and value is what all internet users and customers deserve.
Our advice?… Follow in Google’s Quality Score footsteps and make sure, through your online advertising campaign, that this is what you are delivering to them.