Divorce attorney advertising must focus on the mobile network and mobile network campaigns in order to avoid missing out on a wide range of the online market in 2012.

Today’s Mobile Market

Marin Software recently released “The State of Mobile Search Advertising,” which explains through evidence how the search and paid-search markets are now profoundly affected by mobile devices.
The statistics show a triple-digit growth in every category and prove that both smart phones and tablets will eventually combine to generate 25 percent of all Google’s paid search clicks in the US by the end of this year. Indeed, Marin’s report estimates that nearly one-quarter (23 percent) of Google’s US paid-search spend by the time we reach December 2012 will be generated from mobile campaigns.
Yes, this impacts every possible business, even those in the law industry.

Mobile Divorce Attorney Marketing

If you are a divorce attorney and you need help with your online marketing and ppc campaigns, Webrageous will be able to help you. Our ppc managers are both specialists in divorce attorney marketing as well as mobile divorce attorney marketing.
We can help you with your website design to ensure that your mobile divorce attorney marketing is fully optimized for the mobile network, but we can also manage your ppc campaigns in such a way as to appeal to the needs and style of the mobile network target audience.
For more information on the way in which we approach mobile divorce attorney marketing, contact us directly by clicking on the contact tab above in the top right hand corner of this page.
However, don’t forget about the ppc management services that we offer in paid search campaigns and display network campaigns too, which are just as important to all divorce attorneys who choose to advertise via Google AdWords.
As a quick insight into the most important area of divorce attorney ppc marketing to get right, without fail, read the attached article entitled, PPC Advertising Ideas that Divorce Attorney Marketing Campaigns Should Ignore, today.
Divorce attorneys across the US turn to Webrageous for all their marketing needs, basic paid search campaigns, display network campaigns and mobile network ideas because we have many years of experience in this area to help us find the solutions to your marketing needs in record time.
We hope to hear from you soon.

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