Contributing to the Webrageous Blog
If you are interested in being one of our expert contributors, please make sure that you adhere to the following contributor guidelines:

  1. It is essential that all articles submitted to Webrageous are unique. Please do not submit an article to Webrageous if it has already been published elsewhere or if you intend to publish it on another site in the future.
  2. Please include your biography at the bottom of the article (biographies must not be more than 40 words in length and they can only contain one hyperlink).
  3. We only accept articles which offer clear and practical advice or instruction for our readers. Please make sure that your article includes straight-forward, specific tips or innovative approaches to pay per click advertising.
  4. We only accept articles on pay per click advertising, Google AdWords and online marketing strategies. Please do not send us articles on social networking or SEO. In addition, we do not publish press releases.
  5. To send us your article, cut and paste the content directly into the body of our contact form. We offer no guarantee that submitted articles will be posted or published.
  6. Copyright on all articles submitted to Webrageous is retained by webrageous
  7. We do not pay for article submissions.