Here are the top 10 keywords performing keywords we have seen recently for  one of our Social Security disability attorney clients:

social security lawyer
“social security disability lawyers”
social security disability attorneys
“social security attorneys”
appeal social security disability
“ssi lawyers”
ssi disability lawyers
attorneys for social security
social security disability lawyer
[social security lawyers]

plus over 100 more keywords we can setup if you hire us to manage your AdWords account!


This can help you if you are optimizing your site for SEO or if you are setting up a Google Ads account. Notice we included the match type ( the ” and [] symbols) which will help if you are setting up a Google Ads account. Here are some helpful statistics showing results were able to achieve with Google Ads. Notice the low cost per conversion which is the cost to receive one call. Over 90% of the conversions we were generating for this client were live calls.


The conversions are live calls. One factor which went a long way to helping us achieve these results was a strong landing  page we put together for our client. If you’re interested in having us manage your Google Ads account then we can setup not just an amazing AdWords account with 150 of the best keywords, but also setup an amazing landing page which will help generate the strong conversion results you see here.  If you are not generating calls for under $20 per call then please call us  to learn how we can manage your account and improve results dramatically.  Call us now at 855-945-1596 to learn more.