Here is a list of 10 keywords you can use to find clients looking for a veterans benefit attorney:

 veterans attorneys
 veterans lawyers
 veteran lawyer
 va appeals
“veterans law”
 va claims lawyer
 va benefits lawyer
 va disability lawyer
 va lawyers
[veterans law]

plus over 100 more keywords we can setup if you hire us to manage your AdWords account!


the ” and [ ] signs  indicate the match type which will make more sense if you  are familiar with Google Ads. And here are some statistics from a Google Ads account


The conversions are live calls we were able to generate using a great landing page.  And that’s really the key with Google Ads  – you need not just a great Google AdWords account but also a great landing page for everything to work together and be successful. The account we created for this client has over 300 keywords. By pairing a great landing page we can put together for you along with a great Google Ads account we can also deliver excellent results for your firm.  Notice how the cost per conversion is only $32  with many keywords driving leads at a far lower cost per conversion. If you’re not seeing similar results please contact us so we can help you improve your account. Call us at 855-945-1596 if you would like to learn more.