If you are a company providing healthcare services and either using AdWords or want to use AdWords, then the keyword list below will bring you many new clients. It is a list of keywords with high volume traffic related to doctors, pharmacies, surgery, hospitals, healthcare and emergency rooms.

Doctor keywords:
find a doctor
local doctors
doctors near me
dr near me
doctor unitedhealth insurance
doctor wellpoint insurance
doctor kaiser foundation insurance
doctor humana insurance
doctor aetna insurance
doctor hcsc insurance
doctor cigna insurance
find a physician
physicians near me
find a doctor near me
medical doctor near me
doctors in my area
find a local doctor
Pharmacy keywords:
pharmacy near me
discount pharmacy
find a pharmacy
local pharmacy
nearby pharmacy
24 hour pharmacy
drug store near me
24 hour pharmacy near me
pharmacy hours
[city name] pharmacy
nearest pharmacy
Surgeon keywords:
find a surgeon
local surgeon
surgeon near me
professional surgeon
surgeon unitedhealth insurance
surgeon wellpoint insurance
surgeon kaiser foundation insurance
surgeon humana insurance
surgeon aetna insurance
surgeon hcsc insurance
surgeon cigna insurance
Hospital keywords:
find a hospital
nearby hospitals
hospital open 24/7
hospital hours
local hospital
[city name] hospital
hospital insurance
hospital humana
hospital aetna
blue cross hospital
hospital unitedhealth
hospital wellpoint inc
hospital kaiser foundation
hospital hcsc
hospital cigna
clinic near me
regional hospital
nearest hospital
hospital compare
closest hospital
Medical service keywords:
medical clinic near me
24 hour clinic near me
medicine center
medical services
medical services near me
medical center
Healthcare keywords:
find healthcare services
find a health center
local health center
healthcare provider near me
find a healthcare provider
health clinic near me
Emergency room keywords:
find an emergency room
emergency room near me
nearby emergency room
local emergency room
urgent care near me
24 hour urgent care near me
24 hour urgent care
urgent care center near me
urgent care clinic near me
emergency clinic
nearest urgent care
emergency care
emergency clinic near me
nearest emergency room
emergency care near me
urgent care open now
emergency hospital
first choice emergency room
nearest 24 hour urgent care
24 hour emergency care
urgent clinic near me
24 hour emergency room near me
24 hour emergency room
closest emergency room
hospital emergency room
emergency hospital near me
24 hour emergency clinic
hospital emergency room near me

You can notice the “city name” keywords and “near me” mentions. People usually look for healthcare services in their area, especially if it is an emergency. So it is crucial that you add multipliers with the city and/or state you are in.

Finding negative keywords with the search query report

Once your AdWords account has been running for a few days, you should start adding negatives keywords. The best way to day that is to analyze all the search terms that trigger your ads on a regular basis (performing this task weekly is a good start) and add the ones that triggered irrelevant searches as negatives so you don’t pay for those useless clicks. You can easily find and download the search query report in the AdWords interface: you just need to select the “Keywords” tab then click the “Search terms” tab as shown hereunder:

Organizing ad groups by common themes

Finding good keywords is just a primary step in AdWords, and don’t think your work is done. In order for your keywords to be highly relevant and have the best quality score, you need to group them by themes and create a different ad group for each theme.

The keywords above could be split in different themes: doctors, physicians, pharmacies, surgeons, hospitals, clinics, medical centers, health centers, emergency rooms, urgent care…

Writing top performing ads that don’t violate Google policy

Competition is quite high in the healthcare industry so your ads are the one element to focus on to stand out from your competitors. Most people see their health as important. They are not just going to enter the first hospital to get a quick surgery. They want the best service and they will compare. They want to feel like they matter and they don’t want to wait for months for an appointment if they are concerned by their health.

Your ads need to convey professionalism, safety and they need to reflect why your healthcare service is better than the one offered by your competitor. Do you think you have a decent waiting time lower than average? Make sure to mention it in your ads! Your ads need to contain all those crucial messages that make your service unique.

The landing page people land on is also very important. It is useless to write an eye-catching ad if people are then sent to a poor landing page creating a bad user experience. It is also recommended to test different landing pages as sometimes a slight change will bring totally different AdWords results.

If you can’t highlight all the benefits that potential clients would get by choosing you over your competitor in your ads, take advantage of ad extensions. Sitelinks, call out and call extensions should definitely be added, along with location extensions as mentioned people usually look for local healthcare services and it will help them find you easily.

The promotion of healthcare-related content is restricted on Google and they have a strong policy regarding it:


If you are struggling to get your ads accepted, contact us and we will make the necessary changes to your ads so they comply with Google AdWords healthcare policy.

Post set-up management and ongoing optimization

Adwords is a long term commitment and you will need ongoing optimization to keep your account healthy, especially in the highly competitive healthcare industry. You will need to do the following tasks on a regular basis: download the search query report, analyze keywords performance, pause non performing ones, analyze performance on different criteria (devices, locations, time) and adjust bids…

But we know healthcare is a busy industry and we understand you probably don’t have the time to analyze how you could stand out from your competition. That’s why we are here to help you. We know a lot about the healthcare system and we are expert in PPC. Could you think of a better agency to manage your AdWords account? Give us a call today at 855-945-1596!


Images’ Source: Pixabay