Increase Brand Awareness, Not Your Advertising Budget

Do you want to market your company brand online with more success? Do you find that your Pay Per Click Budget just simply will not stretch in order to include Branding Campaigns, Branding Advertisements and Branding Keywords?

Would you like to find out how to Increase Brand Awareness without Increasing your Pay Per Click Budget?

Read on and share in the five simple tips that Webrageous Studios has for you to Increase your Company’s Brand Awareness Online without Increasing that Pay Per Click Budget. The ideas are simple and incredibly effective.
Essentially, a good use of Budget lies in the management of keywords, keyword match type and the distribution of budget across those keywords. It is important to know that exact match keywords normally cost the Pay Per Click Advertiser less money but they are not necessarily the keywords that Google chooses when it matches an advertisement to a search query on the SERP, unless you manage your keywords appropriately.

For more information on the topic of keywords and how to Manage Keywords, click on the link and read the Webrageous Studios article on the subject in question.

If you have any more ideas for small businesses and how to survive with Small Budgets, please do contact Webrageous Studios immediately and share your ideas with us.

Keyword Identification and Separation

It is a good idea to begin by reviewing your existing keywords. Which keywords are performing much better than the rest? Separate them, place them into their own ad group and bid on them separately. You will then have much more control over these keywords and under-performing keywords in other ad groups will not be affecting the quality score of these keywords.

This is one of the best ways to begin saving on Pay Per Click Budget and putting those savings to good use in terms of Increasing Brand Awareness because Google might start to reward you with lower bids for higher page ranks on those keywords.

Match Type Optimization

Create a separate campaign for your branding campaign and then ensure that you separate your broad, phrase and exact match keywords as a way of using your Pay Per Click Budget intelligently and bidding on each type of keyword differently.
Broad Match Keywords will tend to be more costly and therefore you need to make sure that these keywords are going to be (or already have a reputation for being) well performing keywords. Otherwise you might find that they suck on your advertising budget and bring nothing in to your business and this will then mean that you have nothing left to put into Brand Awareness Campaigns.


Budget Allocation

You will need to devote a larger portion of your Pay Per Click Budget to your broad match keywords as they will cost the most. Your exact match keywords are going to cost less and therefore ensure that the portion of your Budget allocated to them is reflective of this fact.

Exact Match Spend Acceleration

If you set your exact match keywords to accelerate spend, Google will always show the advertisement attached to the exact match keyword first, above and beyond any other keywords that match the internet search from the phrase or broad match campaigns.
If you know that Google is going to show the exact match keyword first when the search query has been entered, you know that you are assured of being charged the lowest possible cost for your advertising. This means that your Budget will be used as efficiently as possible and your Branding Campaign will not have to be put to the side for next year again!

Saving on budget through accelerate spend also means that your Branding Campaigns will have the chance to run for longer throughout the day on the same Budget as before, which means that you will be saving money on your online advertising.


Negative Keywords

The best way of ensuring that Google selects your exact match keywords above and beyond your phrase and broad match keywords is to ensure that you use your negative keywords well.
If you can select your negative keywords cleverly on top of all the other tips already outlined above, you will ensure that there is more of a chance that Google will select your exact match and save you money in the process.

It is possible to Increase your Brand Awareness, even if you are a small company, without Increasing your Pay Per Click Budget. For more information and advice on putting these branding campaign techniques into practice, contact Webrageous Studios and see what our Google AdWords Qualified Company could do for you.